Monday, September 1, 2008


Hey everyone. Things around here are busy as ever. Harvest is now in full swing and Mike hasn't been home too much. He hired two new drivers this year and is struggling with training both of them. They seem to be working out well but there is always the wonder if something is going wrong or if they are working as fast as they should be.

8th grade Algebra is proving to be as challenging as last year. The kids are entirely different than the group I had last year. I am also teaching a new curriculum this year. That makes things a little more difficult. The kids seem to be responding well, so that's a good thing. If the schedules would get ironed out it would make my life a little easier. But, I am doing the best with what I am given.

I am starting a test prep class next week to prepare me for the Math CSET. I have to take this test in order to get a single subject credential. That way I will have two credentials and be able to work in more areas. I will be able to teach K-6 but also be able to continue to teach Math in a single subject environment (meaning I don't teach anything else). I really hope that I can pass the test because I have heard that it's brutal. Wish me luck! I also only have one more test to pass to file for my multiple subject teaching credential. I am really excited. I will finally be done with school for a while. At least until I go back to get my Master's Degree.

Taylor is continuing to do very well. She misses Mike terribely but is doing ok. She got her first hair cut yesterday! We just trimmed the ends off. It looks very cute. Mike's sister Janette cut it for us. She cut it into a little bob. It is very cute! I will post pictures when I can.

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The Damas Family

The Damas Family

Mike and Stacey

Mike and Stacey



