Monday, September 29, 2008


Hello all. The last couple of weeks have gone by relatively uneventfully. Jamie did come up for a visit and it was really nice to get to see her. She is doing well in LA and working a lot. She will be back up on the 9th for a concert that we are going to. I will post pictures of that when it comes.

Taylor is continuing to do well with potty training. She is initiating potty now and coming to tell us after she has gone. She is doing very well, most days. There are still some days that she doesn't want to have anything to do with it, but those are getting to be fewer. We are keeping our fingers crossed that it sticks this time.

Taylor and I spent the weekend at my Grandma's house. It was very nice to sit and visit with her. It had been a while since we had seen her so we made the trip to Santa Rosa to visit. We spent Saturday and Sunday there. It was very nice and relaxing. Taylor was well behaved and seemed to enjoy the trip. We went to a park near her house and rode a train and a merry-go-round. Taylor really enjoyed it.

I also got a message from my cousin David on Sunday. His son was born on Saturday night. They are doing well and are very excited about all the new things that will be happening. Hopefully I get some pictures soon.

Mike and Dad are still super busy with harvest but it looks like Mike might be done by the 15th of October. We will see though.

I hope this finds everyone doing well.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Keep it up Taylor! You'll be potty trained in no time! Hope you have a great week Stacey!

The Damas Family

The Damas Family

Mike and Stacey

Mike and Stacey



