Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Past Two Weeks

Well it's been a very busy two weeks. Let me update you!

We had Taylor's birthday party on the 25th. It was very nice. We had a lot of good friends come and some new ones too. Our friends Sara and Madison came over from Monterey and it was wonderful to see them. Taylor was in the pool for most of the day and had so much fun swimming with her friends and cousins.

During the week was business as usual. Mike had class and I had work. Taylor came down with a fever on Monday the 26th. She was not feeling well for a few days so I called her doctor. The doctor told me to let the fever go for three days. On Thursday we called the doctor back and she wanted us to come in. Mom took Taylor to the doctor and they took some blood to check for viruses and bacteria. Nothing came back with those tests so she said to watch Taylor through the weekend and see how she did. Well the weekend came and went with no change so Mom took her to the doctor again on Monday. They had to take more blood and do a chest x-ray to check for pneumonia. That test came back negative but her blood cultures will not be back for 4-7 days. The doctor did notice that Taylor's white blood cell count had sky rocketed so yesterday she gave her two injections of a general antibiotic. Today she goes back in for two more injections. Good news...she's starting to feel better and actually ate dinner last night. Bad news...they still don't know what's causing her fever and I am not sure they ever will.

This past Saturday was Brooke and Rocky's wedding held at my parents house. The wedding was beautiful and very laid back. It was really nice. She looked stunning and you could see it on Rocky's face when she walked out.

This is my last week of school. Tomorrow is the last day for students. I am very ready to have some time off. I have a job for next year! I will still be in 8th grade teaching Algebra, Algebra Readiness and Science. I think I will also still be teaching Journalism but that one is still up in the air. We will see.

I will try not to wait so long next time. I will try to stay more faithful to keeping this updated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought your parents had sworn off weddings at their house after the last one! :o) I'm liking your blog - I've added it to the long list that keep me busy at work.

The Damas Family

The Damas Family

Mike and Stacey

Mike and Stacey



